“The purpose of a lawn sprinkler system is not just to keep your grass green, but also to conserve water for the future.” 

Water is a precious resource, especially in Colorado where it is scarce. At Affordable Sprinkler, we understand the importance of water conservation, and we’re committed to helping you save money on water costs while doing our part to protect the environment. We offer a range of Sprinklers Design & Installation solutions. Here are some of the services we offer:

  • Sprinkler Tune-Ups: Spring is the perfect time for a Sprinkler Tune-Up. Our expert team can eliminate unnecessary overspray, which can lead to water waste, and repair broken sprinkler heads, ensuring your lawn gets evenly watered.
  • Rain/Freeze Sensors: Installing a rain/freeze sensor is an effective way to increase efficiency and avoid water waste. The sensor works by preventing the sprinkler system from coming on in case of continued rain or if the temperature drops below freezing.
  • ET Controllers: Evapotranspiration controllers monitor the specific conditions in your yard, such as the amount of sun/shade, wind, and precipitation. It adjusts your watering times accordingly, ensuring your lawn gets the right amount of water.
  • Drip Irrigation: Drip irrigation is a targeted way of watering your lawn, foundation, and other areas, even during droughts when watering restrictions are in place. It uses less water than traditional sprinklers and can help you save money on water bills.

At Affordable Sprinkler, we believe that water conservation should be a top priority for every homeowner. By optimizing your sprinkler system, you can have a vibrant, healthy-looking lawn without wasting water or money.

If you have questions about any of our Sprinklers Design & Installation solutions
call us for a Free Estimate!